Ahora en Puerto Rico
Total Clients Without Service (LUMA) | Clientes Totales Sin Servicio (LUMA)
Total Clients With Service (LUMA) | Clientes Totales Sin Servicio (LUMA)
Percentage of Clients Without Service (LUMA) | Porcentaje de Clientes Sin Servicio (LUMA)
Percentage of Clients With Service (LUMA) | Porcentaje de Clientes Con Servicio (LUMA)
Total Clients in Puerto Rico | Clientes Totales en Puerto Rico
Percentage of Clients without power in Arecibo | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en Arecibo83%
Percentage of Clients without power in Bayamon | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en Bayamon92%
Percentage of Clients without power in Mayaguez | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en Mayaguez62%
Percentage of Clients without power in San Juan | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en San Juan75%
Percentage of Clients without power in Carolina | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en Carolina97%
Percentage of Clients without power in Ponce | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en Ponce72%
Percentage of Clients without power in Caguas | Porcentaje de Clientes sin energía en CaguasThese numbers are based on the limited available information provided by LUMA. They are rough estimates.
Updated on: 12/31/2024 12:55 PM
Puerto Rico Map - Region Outages
Hover (or tap on mobile) over a region to view statistics.
Wage Distribution in Puerto Rico
This section presents an overview of wage distributions in Puerto Rico, broken down by income bins. Each card represents a population segment within a specified wage range.
Name: ACS PUMS 5-Year EstimateDescription: The American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files are a set of untabulated records about individual people or housing units. The Census Bureau produces the PUMS files so that data users can create custom tables that are not available through pretabulated (or summary) ACS data products.Poverty in Puerto Rico
Overview of poverty levels across various age groups in Puerto Rico by gender. The figures represent populations living below the poverty level within the past 12 months.
Name: ACS 5-year EstimateDescription: The American Community Survey (ACS) is conducted by the US Census and sent to a portion of the population every year.Help Puerto Rico | Ayuda a Puerto Rico
promotes economic resilience and growth by providing resources and training to help communities rebuild sustainably.
promueve la resiliencia económica y el crecimiento, proporcionando recursos y entrenamiento para ayudar a las comunidades a reconstruirse de manera sostenible.
focuses on economic empowerment, supporting entrepreneurial initiatives with a focus on youth and women.
se enfoca en el empoderamiento económico, apoyando iniciativas empresariales con un enfoque en la juventud y las mujeres.
a relief fund that directs 100% of donations to essential areas like food security, clean water, and renewable energy.
un fondo de ayuda que canaliza el 100% de las donaciones hacia áreas críticas como la seguridad alimentaria, agua potable y energía renovable.
supports community development through health, financial stability, and education, connecting individuals to essential resources.
apoya el desarrollo comunitario a través de salud, estabilidad financiera y educación, conectando a las personas con recursos esenciales.
provides critical support for young cancer patients at Puerto Rico’s Pediatric Hospital, including medical equipment and financial aid.
brinda apoyo vital a pacientes jóvenes de cáncer en el Hospital Pediátrico de Puerto Rico, incluyendo equipos médicos y ayuda económica.
provides essential supplies like water filters and solar lanterns and coordinates disaster response efforts during natural disasters.
ofrece suministros esenciales como filtros de agua y linternas solares, además de una respuesta coordinada durante desastres naturales.
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